FAQ & About Us

General FAQ

How long do orders take?

For orders to be received in time, be sure to order your item 4-6 weeks out from your event for all Standard Orders. For all Mystery Set orders, the turn around time is 6-8 weeks. Since all items are made to order, you want to ensure there is enough time for the items to be made and shipped.


What is the deadline for (insert festival/event here)?

Deadlines for events are updated frequently on Instagram, you can follow us at @thirdeye_ravewear to stay up to date but a good rule of thumb is AT LEAST a month out. (Some events will have a bigger gap from order date until festival day depending on demand) 


It's past my events deadline, can I still order?

If it is past the deadline for the date of your event, please reach out to us. Limited spots may be available for an additional rush fee charge. Fasters shipping rates will also include an increase in shipping fee. 


What do I need when placing my order?

When placing your order it is HIGHLY advised that you specify your event and dates. If you are unsure about sizing please include your measurements. If you do not add the festival/events and/or dates I cannot guarantee you'll get your set in time. Please make sure to check that you include dates.


What if I don't see my size?

Hey don't stress! We want to be as size inclusive as possible! Be sure to send us a message or purchase your order in any size and notate your measurements in your order!


Do you take customs?

We do take customs! For customs please email us at thirdeyeravewear@gmail.com 

For your custom please include pictures of fabrics that you would like to use or specify which of the fabrics we have in stock that you would like to use. Also add the event you need it for and and idea of the pieces you want. Feel free to draw something up (don't worry if it isn't great!) of what you're looking for or going for.


What do customs entail?

In order to start a custom, you will get quoted a price range around a $30 gap which will be determined once supplies are bought. Customs require a $50 non-refundable down payment which will be subtracted from you grand total. You can read more about what customs entail here

Size Guide

To see our female size guide click here

To see our male size guide click here 


 What are the shop policies? (Returns, Exchanges, Shipping Issues, Order Errors ect.)

You can find our shop policies here


Do you offer discounts?

Everyone loves a good deal and we see that ! Here is a list of some ways you can get discounts from us! 


About Us

Who is Third Eye Rave Wear?

Hello Goddesses ! My name is Kaylin, I am the owner of Third Eye. I have been a raver since Ezoo 2018 when I fell in love with scene and everything it had to offer. My second EDM event was EDCO 2018 and after falling in love with the festival fashion I saw at Ezoo, I knew I needed to show up so I bought my first official rave fit from two beautiful small businesses and that sparked my love for rave wear. 

Fast forward to Lost Lands 2021, I was looking for an Itachi Uchiha cosplay fit that was made for a rave and I was shocked to find nothing. Nothing even by other coplayers that looked rave enough for me and so I decided it was only fitting I try to make a fit on my own. So I bought a sewing machine on Amazon, fabrics on Etsy and I traced out a bodysuit that I already loved on the floor of my empty new apartment a week before Lost Lands and created my first ever rave fit. I fell in love with this process and the idea of being able to make unique pieces for not only myself but my fellow ravers. I decided to hit it again for my first Ember Shores in 2021 and that exploded into what Third Eye is today. Giving confidence and power to so many beautiful ravers while giving back to the community by donating portions of each order to offset carbon emissions and other organizations that speak to me! (You can read more about it in the FAQ tab)

If you ever see my bopping around at a festival please feel free to always come say hi, trade some kandi and dance the night away! 

I absolutely love doing this with my whole heart. I love seeing so many of you glow in your outfits and I love seeing so many of your loving yourselves in them. Thank you for making my dreams a reality and challenging me to grow further in my art. This is my true passion and I could not do it without everyone who took a leap of faith into me and Third Eye, I feel incredibly blessed. I cannot wait to see you all this festival season !

Stay Beautiful,

Kaylin xo


Giving Back

What is your brand doing to give back? 

Third Eye Rave Wear finds very important to take care of our planet and our people and to always give back. TERW donates 75 cents from each order to offset carbon emissions produced by each order from start to finish shipping included. Another 75 cents are donated from each order to the harm reduction non-profit Dancesafe. In our community it is important that all ravers and people in general have access to knowledge on safe drug use, Narcan and Fentanyl test strips. Dancesafe has tons of information to give and does amazing things for the scene such as giving out free kits, testing for free on site and alerting people when something may not be safe. It is an important cause for Third Eye Rave Wear. We only used compostable poly mailers, paper products that can be recycled, minimal tape to allow the easiest option of recycling as well. Any exchanged sizes or secondary send outs come in a reused poly mailer (since you already got the good stuff we may as well keep reusing!)